Peak Summer Challenges


Challenge #1: Retreat On Your Own

The retreat can be done on your own schedule. Take a walk, go for a hike, or find a quiet bench to spend 20 minutes praying with the audio reflection. Then gather with others to share how it went and what you noticed...

This retreat is a collaboration with Busted Halo, creators of the original content, narrated by Kate André, CLA Regional Coordinator NYC, and facilitated by Heather Makowicz, Spiritual Director and founder of Peak Encounter Ministries.

Challenge #2: Field Guide: 7-Day Personal Field Immersion

This next challenge allows you to meet God in creation through five steps: Discover, Renew, Meditate, Connect, and Reflect. Make sure you download this guide to complete this seven day journey!

Challenge #3: Journal Journey

Find a notepad and a pen for this next challenge and go on a “journal journey.” Do this by meditating and reflecting while asking yourself these five questions below.

1) Share your first memory of enjoying the outdoors...what stood out to you most? 

2) How did this memory speak to you about God's love and what you delight in?

3) What is YOUR favorite way to enjoy the outdoors? Try it this week if you can!

4)  Take a picture of an outdoor experience recently. What lead you to go there?

5)  Go outside and rest by a for a short bit.  How are you being "held" in nature as a way God invites you to rest in Him?

Challenge #4: Take a Contemplative Walk

This week, I invite you to take a contemplative walk. It’s imperative to take some time to disconnect from technology reconnect with the world around us. Spending time in nature is a great way to foster a mindfulness in the present moment in our daily lives and to become aware of God’s presence and provision.

One way to practice being present to God is to saunter, walk slowly, and to become aware of the physical experience of taking a walk. 

Here are a few helpful hints: (Find a quiet place to walk)

  1. Before you go, set an intention for your walk (Ex: appreciation for God’s creation)

  2. As you begin, notice how each foot lands on the ground.  Notice how the pressure on the souls of your feet changes with each step.

  3. Then, shift to your senses.  What do you see, hear, smell, or feel?  (ex: how does the breeze feel as it brushes past your cheeks?)

  4. If you would like, finish with a prayer of gratitude for God with the experience you just had.  Thank Him for the gift of nature, the gift of your physical body to experience and enjoy the world he has made for us. 

***Mental health note: This is a great way to de-stress, reduce anxiety, gain a different perspective, and to become more present in the present moment***