By Heather Makowicz and Team Peak Leaders

Allowing God to Come Close

Each month we provide a short adventure designed to encounter God in his created magnificence.

These reflections — whether they are hiking, camping, rappelling, zip lining, horseback riding, canoeing/kayaking or just a walk in a local park —connect us closer to the God who created us.

Through Scripture, music lyrics, photography and outdoor experiences, we invite you enter into and go deeper in your spirituality.

At the end of each reflections, we provide an invitation for your reflection based on a line of Scripture or quote about nature, creation or adventure.

We also list upcoming activities and how you can engage in your next . . .Peak Encounter.

Come and enjoy!


Entry #50 Paddleboarding

August 4, 2023

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” Ecclesiastes 3:1

This month’s reflection comes to us from Heather Makowicz, President and Founder of Peak Encounter Ministries.

How does this scripture verse strike you? Do you ever wonder if there are too many good opportunities to pass up and find it a challenge to choose the “best” of the good things? Do you ever say to yourself, “If I don’t do something now, it may never get done?”

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Entry #49 Through a Lens

June 1, 2023

“Are not five sparrows sold for two small coins? Yet not one of them has escaped the notice of God. Even the hairs of your head have all been counted. Do not be afraid. You are worth more than many sparrows.” - Luke 12:6-7

This month’s reflection comes to us from Mary Cortese. Mary is currently pursing a PhD in marine biology at Temple University where she specializes in studying kelp forests. She has a passion for the outdoors and loves spending time in nature, connecting to God and to others.

When spending time in nature one of my favorite things to do is to stop and look closely at something very small. Mosses, delicate flower petals, the pattern a bug took burrowing through a log – these small and seemingly insignificant details of the world remind me of the deep care the Lord has for us. To create beauty not only in the big vistas and sunsets but in the little moments.

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Entry #48 A New Season

April 1, 2023

“For behold, the winter is past; the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land. The fig tree ripens its figs, and the vines are in blossom; they give forth fragrance. Arise, my love, my beautiful one, and come away.”  - Song of Songs 2:11-13

This month’s reflection comes to us from Kasey Brown. Kasey is a young adult in the Philly area. She works full time as a business consultant and loves to spend her free time volunteering with youth and young adult ministries.

There is a lot to learn from the changing of the seasons. As springtime peeks its head around the corner once more, here are a few of the things God has been teaching me lately.

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Entry #47 The Vine & Branch

March 1, 2023

“Remain in me, as I remain in you. Just as a branch cannot bear fruit on its own unless it remains on the vine, so neither can you unless you remain in me.” - John 15:4 

This month’s reflection comes to us from David Serrano. David is a man with great love and faith in God, family, and others who shared the Christian Journey with him. He lives with his wife Katie and dog Scooter in Norristown; they will welcome their first baby in May. He is the Director of the Hispanic Ministry at Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish in Doylestown, PA.

Lent is the opportunity to enter with the Lord into a 40-day retreat, a time that allows us to go deeper into our hearts and remain in Him. But this is undoubtedly a challenge, mainly when we focus on ‘what to give up for lent’ or ‘which podcast I am listening to,’ or we can get caught on how to properly live Lent. Each year I like to reflect on how I can walk better with Jesus during this time. I share a verse from the Gospel according to John, where Jesus invites us to ‘remain in Him’ and gives us an image of the vine and the branch. One of my goals during Lent is to take time and reflect on how I remain in Him. What moments keep me grounded and aware of His love and mercy for me?

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Entry #46 Strength on a Hike

February 1, 2023

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” - Psalm 119:105

This month’s reflection comes to us from Mary Walsh, the office administrator for Peak Encounter Ministries. She enjoys experiencing the four seasons through walks and hikes. In her down time, Mary does genealogical research and likes to connect with distant family too.

On a glorious sunny Monday in June 2019, my family and I arrived at the base of Yosemite’s Mist Trail early in the morning. We had on waterproof hiking boots and rain jackets. Yosemite had a record snowfall that winter and it contributed to the incredible roar of the falls and how Mist Trail got its name. Because of a 10 year knee issue, I was hesitant to hike this trail, and yet, I wanted to at least try.

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Entry #45 A Woodpecker and an Invitation

January 1, 2023

Listen! I am standing at the door and knocking! If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come to him and will dine with him, and he with me.” - Revelation 3:20

This month’s reflection comes to us from Heather Makowicz, President and Founder of Peak Encounter Ministries.

It was a quiet morning; I was sipping my early morning coffee at the cabin in early June. The silence of the woods buffered any noise of traffic on the dirt road a quarter of a mile away. I could only hear the gentle morning breeze and feel it slowly and refreshingly brush across my face. This was truly a slice of heaven!

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Entry #44 Recognizing God in the Mountains

December 15, 2022

“I lift my eyes to the mountains, Where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, The creator of Heaven and Earth.” - Psalm 121:1-2

This month’s reflection comes to us from Mary Lastowka.

Every winter, from as young as I can remember, my dad would make the drive up to the Poconos with our family for a day of skiing. This day was one of the most exciting days of the year. We would always look forward to it as a family. My child self would always be excited about each step of the process: renting ski equipment, using the chair lift to go up the mountain, and of course - skiing down the mountain itself!

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Entry #43 A Walk and A Blessing

November 1, 2022

“Rejoice in hope, endure in affliction, persevere in prayer” - Romans 12:12

This month’s reflection comes to us from Heather Lebano. She is a wife, mom, writer, blogger, podcaster, artisan, and weaver of words. She writes about faith, family, and finds a soft place to land at House of Love and Laughter - where words are a matter of the heart.

It always comes back to the walk—the journey and the path we choose. I have missed our walks. They are grounding and healing. They connect me to everything and mainly to God. There is a huge blessing when I can get in a walk or hike outside rather than on my treadmill. The first time I came to this trail, our hidden path, many months ago, life was very unpredictable, and the air was so cold I could see my breath. I dug deep and pushed hard. When we stumbled upon this place, we were desperate to return to our walks. The first time we came here, we just sat in the car and stared at the magnificent setting sun across the field. Before coming here, our last walk was the night before surgery in September. I felt a strong nudge by the Holy Spirit to take that walk just hours after learning that we couldn’t wait on having surgery because there was rapid growth of a recurring tumor thanks to aggressive brain cancer. Don’t get me started on how it outsmarts the chemo and therapies. You can do your own research on that. Let me remind you, it cannot outsmart God. 

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Entry #42 Canyoneering

October 1, 2022

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord will be with you wherever you go.” - Joshua 1:9

This month’s reflection comes to us from Heather Makowicz, President and Founder of Peak Encounter Ministries. It is an excerpt from her book “Peak Encounters: A Spiritual Field Guide for Adventurous Souls.”

About five years ago, my husband and I went on a much-needed time away. We had the opportunity to go to beautiful Zion National Park in Utah - truly God’s country, and a childhood dream come true. There, we were able to re-experience some ways that united us in the first place 25 years ago, namely, outdoor adventures!

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Entry #41 The Grass is Greener

September 1, 2022

“May he be like rain coming down upon the fields, like showers watering the earth” - Psalm 72:6

This month’s reflection comes to us from Stan Termini.

The famous phrase, “The grass is greener on the other side,” is widely used in all instances of conversation; in my opinion, this phrase details what we are seeking is not within our immediate grasp. A more accurate phrase comes from Psalms 72:6 “He shall come down like rain upon the mown grass: as showers [that] water the earth.” Let us not seek the other side but allow ourselves to become the green grass. Look at yourself in the mirror and wonder what plans God has for you and only you. You are unique and special to him; please realize that within yourself and smile, for You are Loved.

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Entry #40 Details on a Walk

August 1, 2022

“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” - Matthew 18:20

On Saturday, July 31st, the Peak Board, volunteer team, and young adult participants gathered for Mass celebrated by Archbishop Nelson Perez and then a team meeting. We are grateful for what a fruitful day this was for all as it was a day full of joy and fellowship in the Holy Spirit! Thank you as well to Father Charlie Zlock for hosting us at Saint Monica’s Parish. Enjoy some pictures below from this great day!

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Entry #39 Details on a Walk

July 1, 2022

“Let the heavens be glad and the earth rejoice; let the sea and what fills it resound; let the plains be joyful and all that is in them.” - Psalm 96:11-12

This month’s reflection comes to us from Caitlin DeStefano.

One of my favorite outdoor activities is going for a walk, whether just a walk around the neighborhood or on a new trail. In this time outdoors, I often find myself going alone wanting to just recenter myself after all the busyness in life, but I do always enjoy company to chat with allowing me to not think about being outside as time passes by. I believe being outside in nature allows me to connect with God best because I don’t feel confined to one area as I can observe the world around me and walk around.

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Entry #38 A Sunrise Message

June 1, 2022

If God so clothes the grass in the field that grows today, will He not much more provide for you, O you of little faith?” - Luke 12:28

This month’s reflection comes to us from Abigail Gorman.

Last summer, I found myself at a crossroads in life. I was transitioning to a new job, saying goodbye to dear friends, and moving to a new place. Everything in life felt unstable and uncertain. In short, it was a perfect storm.

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Entry #37 A Greater Miracle

May 1, 2022

“Praise the LORD, for he is good; for his mercy endures forever.” - Psalm 136:1

This month’s reflection comes to us from Kasey Brown.

This month, we have the sublime privilege of celebrating the Resurrection of Jesus. We sing, we praise, we let our hearts fill with hope. And it seems that our worship is mirrored perfectly in nature. We are in lockstep with creation as our souls awaken to life. Everywhere we look, trees are being crowned with new blooms; tulips are popping up with explosions of vibrant colors; daffodils dot the landscape in hues of cheerful yellow and white; Easter lilies point to the sky like trumpets announcing the victory of the King; birds cry out to their Maker who has defeated death.

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Entry #36 New Clothes

April 1, 2022

We know that all of creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until the present time. Not only that, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly, as we eagerly await our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.”- Romans 8:22-23 “For in this tent we groan, longing to be clothed with our heavenly dwelling” - 2 Corinthians 5:2- 1 Kings 19:12

This month’s reflection comes to us from Peter Land.

As I watch the seasons change, I am struck by the amazing transition from Winter to Spring. What a beautiful time! All of creation seems to be emerging from its sleepy cocoon. As the weather gets warmer, the first flowers bloom, some shooting out of the ground, as if in hiding. Trees are budding forth, colors are appearing, the birds are singing with renewed vigor and enthusiasm, and people everywhere are outside playing and enjoying the longer, warmer days. Creation seems to be jumping about!

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Entry #35 Silence

March 1, 2022

...after the earthquake, fire-but the Lord was not in the fire; after the fire, a light silent sound.” - 1 Kings 19:12

This month’s reflection comes to us from David Serrano Gonzalez.

As we prepare ourselves for another time to reflect and live this journey of Lent, it is appropriate to exercise silence. Silence allows us to be more conscious of the everyday moments when God speaks to us.

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Entry #34 The Beauty of the Day

February 1, 2022

This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice in it and be glad.” - Psalm: 118:24

This month’s reflection comes to us from Lisa Mehalick.

Several months ago, I packed my bags and made the 6-hour trek to Mercy Ecospirituality Center in Benson, Vermont. I had recently found myself in the midst of a significant life change and internal transition. Feeling the need for time and space to process everything, I retreated for a week to experience some much-needed change of scenery. Getting back on the road after two years of little to no travel because of the pandemic was invigorating. I noticed a part of me was reawakening as I hit the open road and reconnected with my passion for adventure and exploration.

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Entry #33 Red Dots

December 1, 2021

“At dawn let me know your love”

for I put my trust in you.

Make me know the way I should walk,

to you I lift my soul.” Psalm: 143:8

This month’s reflection comes to us from Jeannine Peters.

A few months ago I was on a silent retreat on the grounds of a monastery in the Catskill Mountains of New York. Surrounded by beauty and silence, I hiked the Magdala trail through the woods on my third day. Big red dots were painted on the trees to keep hikers on the trail. I didn’t think much about it. How hard could it be to walk around the lake? But I soon saw that the trees began to look alike, each section of the hike resembling the previous one.

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Entry #32 To the Heights

November 1, 2021

“In his hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to him.” - Psalm: 95:4

This month’s reflection comes to us from Mickey Kelly.

In the fall of 2020, I had the opportunity to visit my friend/colleague who lived in the Denver area. As a recent lover of the outdoors, she made it her mission that I see the majestic Rocky Mountains. We started out seeing the final resting place of Buffalo Bill and soon embarked on my very first hiking excursion. When we reached the peak, I rested atop a rock overlooking amazing mountains. I thought that it was a chance to pause and take in the beauty that surrounded me.

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Entry #31 The Power of God

September 29, 2021

“For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse.” Romans 1:19-20

This month’s reflection comes to us from Mercedes Chartier.

I like to run, especially on trails, because it gives me an opportunity to see and enjoy nature. Rays of sun shining through the clouds, the bubbling of a creek, and a wide landscape observed from the pinnacle of a trail are the kinds of sights that have prompted me to pause and whisper a prayer of thanks to the Lord.

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Entry #30 Active Listening

August 2, 2021

Be doers of the Word, and not hearers only…”  -James 1:22

This month’s reflection comes to us from EcoPhilly organizer Nicholas Collura. EcoPhilly's mission of advocacy to care for God's creation, and Peak's mission to help people meet God in nature, are distinct but complementary, and we are inspired to find ways to mutually support one another. We are happy to share Nicholas' reflection here as part of that mutual collaboration.

It came together for me in 2019.

I’d been thinking about the existential threat posed by global heating and the climate crisis in the context of the political primary season that was going on in the United States. It was forcing me to look more closely at my own commitment to environmental efforts, too. In the midst of all this, I found myself near Bartram’s Garden for work one day. During my lunch break I wandered into the Garden, found a peaceful little spot by the Schuylkill, and just... slowed... down…and listened. (We can stop and listen anytime, of might even do so now.) 

I heard the steady whisper of the river that day. I heard birdsong. At times I’d hear the wind pick up. I could almost hear the beating of my heart.

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Entry #29 Running the Rosary

June 2, 2021

This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad.”  -Psalm 118:24

This month’s reflection comes to us from James Ryan.

I have been running for most of my adult life. It has only been for the past 10 years that running has become part of my morning prayer practice. During the weekdays, I am out by 0 dark-thirty and I always begin with a decade of the rosary, usually the Joyous Mysteries because I love starting the day reflecting on the Annunciation (Mary’s Yes and my Yes to the new day). I then start praying for those on my long prayer list. I feel a deep sense of peace and serenity running in the total darkness with only the deer and the foxes with me. 

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Entry #28 Nature Unmasked

May 4, 2021

“When cares increase within me, your comfort gives me joy.”  -Psalms 94:19

This month’s reflection comes to us from Lori Blake-Tedjeske.

Over the course of this historic and strange year, nature has been a respite for our family.  A place of calm, peace, and, frankly, normalcy.  Boating at Prince Galitzin State Park, hiking in the Poconos, or fishing in Locust Lake, each experience bringing tranquility through the Creator’s creation.  In nature, I can remove my mask, breathe deeply, and exhale all the worries and despair.

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Entry #27 A Change in Season

April 1, 2021

“‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” - Jeremiah 29:11

This month’s reflection comes to us from Caitlin DeStefano.

Spring is one of my favorite times of the year. I love the transition of seasons where I can put away my heavy coat and enjoy the first few days of that warmer weather. Everyone is outside soaking in the sun and spending time with each other. The trees begin to bloom and the flower bushes start to sprout.

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Entry #26 Grace Overlooked

March 1, 2021

“Beloved, we are God’s children now; what we shall be has not yet been revealed. We do know that when it is revealed we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.” 1 John 3:2

This month’s reflection comes to us from Natalie Murray.

We all long for those places or times that let our mind slow, rinse our heart of worries, and make us feel grounded, connected to our past, present, future. Walking outdoors can create that feeling for me. 

As we enter into March and another Lent, I can’t help but remember this time last year. I remember the first losses of the pandemic, big and small, the isolation. But I also am reminded of how experiences out in God’s creation helped sustain me during the pandemic. In particular, I remember a specific walk I took last year, at the end of a very long, strange Lent.

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Entry #25 A Walk in Winter

February 1, 2021

“But when he comes, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you to all truth. He will not speak on his own, but he will speak what he hears, and will declare to you the things that are coming.” - John 16:13

This month’s reflection comes to us from John Chesters.

Walks in the woods are ways I withdraw from the weary weeks of winter.  The solitude of the bleak landscape helps me to disconnect from the busyness of life.  The leafless trees, the gray sky, the absence of singing birds, and the snow blanketing the ground provide an empty canvas to visualize the joyful sounds and colors yet to come in the spring.  It is in those moments that I wonder what God has in store for me in the next season of my life.

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Entry #24 Anchored in Hope

January 3, 2021

Hebrews 6:19 “We have this hope as an anchor for our lives. It is safe and sure.”

This month’s reflection comes to us from Ava Thorley.

The purpose of an anchor is to keep a boat tied down so that it will not be blown away by wind or swept away by destruction into the sea or rocks. Imagine this- God giving us our very own anchor so that our souls will not be swept away by the lies Satan whispers into our hearts. This anchor we were given is called hope and one end is attached to heaven while the other end is attached to us.

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Entry #23 Like Deer to Running Streams

December 3, 2020

“As the deer yearns for running streams, so my soul is yearning for you, my God. My soul is thirsting for God.” - Psalms 42:1

This month’s reflection comes to us from Rev. Francis Danielski OPraem.

I usually leave for my parish ministry around 6:45am, and I always take the back roads because it gives me a chance to experience the quiet and the newness of the dawn….the dawn of the new day and the reminder to me of the dawn of creation in the embrace of a loving Creator.

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Entry #22 Watching a Leaf Drop

November 1, 2020

“I call heaven and earth today to witness against you: I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. Choose life, then, that you and your descendants may live, by loving the Lord, your God, obeying his voice, and holding fast to him. For that will mean life for you.” - Deuteronomy 30:19-20

This month’s reflection comes to us from Mary Walsh.

November is my favorite month in autumn. I know that it won’t be long until Thanksgiving. The temperatures are cooler. The sun sets noticeably earlier. The clouds seem to settle in closer. I try to get out every day for a walk. I know it won’t be long before all those beautiful colors on the trees are completely gone.

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Entry #21 A Moment of Unexpected Peace

October 5, 2020

“Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.” (John 14:27)

This month’s reflection comes to us from Jeff Klein.

One Sunday last February, I was driving through rural Pennsylvania from my father’s house back to my home in the Philadelphia suburbs. Dad had died unexpectedly the previous November, and on that February weekend, my sister and I had begun the laborious task of selling the house. Sifting through the memories of our childhood home was mentally and emotionally draining, and I was relieved to take a break from it and return home. On my way back to Philly I took a route that added 90 minutes to an already long five-hour trip, which may seem like an odd choice given my exhaustion, but I was desperately in need of the scenic route that day.

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Entry #20 A Single Tree

September 15, 2020

This month’s reflection comes to us from Brett Illig.

Be still and know that I am God! I am exalted among the nations, exalted on the earth.” Ps 46:11

While living in Switzerland my wife and I both loved the “single trees” that showered the landscape. A single tree has much to teach us about ourselves and our relationship with God. 

Trees don't scream. They don't compete for our attention. Instead, they live satisfied just being themselves.

Oh, to be secure enough just to be. To allow our presence to be enough. Letting the natural law of creation take over our changing bodies and minds and not alter or prolong a season of our lives. To be at peace with ourselves, others, and God.

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Entry #19 A Woodpecker As Invitation

 August 25, 2020

“Listen!  I am standing at the door and knocking! If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come to him and will dine with him, and he with me.” Revelation 3:20 (NET Bible)

It was a quiet morning in early summer at the cabin, sipping my early morning coffee at sunrise. The silence of the woods buffered any noise of traffic from the dirt road a quarter of a mile away. I could only hear the sound of a gentle morning breeze as it brushed across my face.  This was truly a slice of heaven!

When nature and silence converge, it creates a space for me to listen to God more clearly.   Scanning the scene around me, I waited for what God wants to share today. The response I received was was invitational, clear, and short.  It usually involves wildlife. Saint Francis of Assisi never seems to be too far behind!

My eyes landed on a woodpecker perched on a tree.

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Wangum Falls, Pennsylvania

Entry #18 Running, Jumping, and Hanging On

June 29, 2020

“The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” Deuteronomy 31:8 NIV

“Come on, Mama!  You can do it!  Just back up, run, and jump!”  I thought, “Easy for you to say!”  He could see the tentativeness in my movements as I edged toward the small cliff to survey the scene.  The water was murky, I couldn’t see the bottom, and wondered where I would climb back up to the rocks once I jumped in.  This was the moment that touched a mama’s heart…

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El Camino de Santiago de Compostela


Entry #17   :  Let’s Pilgrimage: A Prayer of the Feet 

May 28, 2020

“I cry out to God Most High, to God who fulfills his purpose for me.” Psalm 57:2

I have heard a pilgrimage once described as a “prayer of the feet.” In a pilgrimage, one engages not only the body, but also the heart, mind, and spirit.  While not all of us can travel to Spain to hike the Camino de Santiago, all of us, in a sense, are pilgrims.  We are called upon to take a journey that extends beyond what we can see right in front of us. And while our paths might be very different, our destination has been promised to us:  one day, to rejoin God, our Heavenly Father, and Creator of all.  

In 2017, I traveled to Moab, Utah, to see Arches and Canyonlands National Parks.  Arches, particularly, bordering the Colorado River, is the site of more than 2,000 natural sandstone creations.  Imagine these incredible, miraculously created, geological formations, seemingly held together by a sliver, or insanely gargantuan boulders balancing on top of each other!  

On one sweltering, hot, dry day, I decided to take a 10-mile hike.

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Entry #16: A Burning Hot Fire

April 28, 2020

“That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perishes, though it be tried with fire, might be found to praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ…”

1 Peter 1:7

One evening last month, my husband Dave and I were relaxing, mesmerized by the burning fire in our open pit.  Periodically, there were some moments of silence, both of us fascinated by the heat and embers glowing in the dark sky.   I recalled the concept of the refiner’s fire often mentioned in Scripture, contemplating many circumstances I have been called to “burn off” inordinate desires in my life.  In them, in retrospect, I was invited by the Lord to empty them and allow the Holy Spirit to fill those places in my heart with His love and destiny for my life.  

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Entry #15: Riding a Wild Horse

March 26, 2020

“It is for freedom Christ has set us free; stand fast, therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.” 

Galatians 5:1 

RSV Catholic Edition

Livingston, Montana…a quaint, peaceful, sparsely populated town. Time seemed to stand still, a distant echo of a simpler life.  I imagined the explorers venturing to discover this untapped, beautiful territory, fondly nicknamed, the “Wild West”.  I wonder if they were searching for simplicity, renewal, or a freedom to live differently?

It was the summer of 2011 when our family left the hustling, bustling life of the Philadelphia suburbs to experience the Wild West for yet another week!  We planned many adventures, such as whitewater rafting, hiking in Yellowstone, relaxing in natural hot springs, and my personal favorite, horseback riding.

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Jackson Hole, Wyoming


Entry #14: Hot Air Balloon Ride

“The Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name – that one will teach you all things, and will remind you of everything that I said to you.“

John 14:26

Years ago, at a time when my husband’s business was flourishing, they flew the team out to Jackson Hole, Wyoming.  I thought it would be fun to try a hot air balloon trip! Little did I realize getting up at the ungodly hour of 4:30 AM was part of the equation. While it was still dark, the balloon team ignited billowing, hot flames to expand the balloon, setting the basket and balloon upright.  We were then invited to climb in and ready ourselves for take-off. The gargantuan flame was intimidating, the flame seemed to be just above our heads. Of course, being me, I blurted out, “This can’t be safe, has anyone ever singed their hair from the fire?”

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Sandia Mountain sunset


Entry #13 : The Desert

January 28, 2020

“Teach me your way, Lord, that I may rely on your faithfulness; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name. “ Psalm 86:11

Have you ever had a yearning to just “get away” from life?  To go somewhere different? To shift your thinking while taking time reflecting, savoring pivotal times of growth, relaxing, considering the future?

This year, I am turning 50.  I prayed for a few months about where to ponder these questions.  A deep desire to spend some time in the desert grew. I imagined walking beside the Lord in the desert, like the disciples on the road to Emmaus, talking and listening with two best friends journeying together.  I kept hearing the words … “Come away with Me, let’s walk for a while.”

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Entry #12 : Year in Review

December 18, 2019

On this day of Christ’s birth, may we remember how the whole world rejoices...

“Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let the sea resound, and all that is in it. Let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them; let all the trees of the forest sing for joy. Let all creation rejoice before the Lord, for he comes”

Psalm 96:11

As we close in on this Advent Season in anticipation of Christ’s birth, we would like to take time to recall our many blessings. Namely, we thank the Lord for His presence and for each of YOU! Your prayers, support, and interest in our growing ministry has been so encouraging.

So much has happened this past year! From our incorporation in November 2018 to our official 501(c)3 approval under the US Catholic Conference of Bishops on our one-year anniversary.

In lieu of a regular newsletter this month, we thought we would share some highlights of this past year, some upcoming adventure and contemplative retreats we are offering in 2020, and our growing Team!

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Entry #11 : Stemming, Tuacahn Saddle (Padre Canyon), St. George, Utah


Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding.”

Proverbs 3:5

Well…the question and the challenge here, is DO I lean more into my OWN understanding or lean into GOD’s? Recently, I confided in a few wise friends about my struggle for clarity around an important issue, to which I wrestled with in prayer for a time. I scheduled a meeting to share my honest thoughts, and to be quite frank, I was anxious.

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Entry # 10: Zip Line Canopy Adventure, Monteverde, Costa Rica

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” 

Jeremiah 29:11

Back in the spring of 2002, Dave (my husband) and I had the opportunity to go to Costa Rica, to celebrate our 10- year Anniversary.  As usual, I thought it would be fun to try something adventurous, what’s new??  In planning, I remembered hearing that Costa Rica was known for some of the most incredible zip-line canopy tours in the world!  

After some research, I found an outfitter that touted the longest zip lines in Latin America!  At approximately 1500 meters long through the rain forest, we would be able to see God’s beautiful, breath-taking creation from a new lens.  This course would include 11 zips, a swinging rope bridge, and a MEGA Tarzan swing at a height of 45 meters (145 feet)!

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 Entry # 9: September 1, 2019 Inner Tubing, West Chester, Pennsylvania

“Be still and know that I am God…” Psalm 46:10

A few years ago, I had an opportunity to lead a group of young adults, as well as my daughter and her friends, on an inner tube trip down the Brandywine River.  I was excited to go, thinking it would be like white water rafting.  The current would be fast and we were in for a wild ride!  Upon arrival, we noticed that the water level was substantially low and very slow moving.  We could see an unusually crystal-clear river bottom.  Most of the way, we were only about a foot to a few inches above the bottom!  For planning purposes, this Embreeville tubing trip should have taken us approximately an hour and a half to complete.  Instead, half way through our excursion, I started to realize we would finish in a little over two hours!  It was a beautiful day, lots of fun, but when I reflected back of the experience, I started to realize a few things.

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Entry # 8:  Paddle boarding – Cape May, New Jersey, Summer 2011

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens” Ecclesiastes 3:1

How does this scripture verse strike you?  Do you ever wonder if there are too many good opportunities to pass up and find it a challenge to choose the “best” of the good things?  Do you ever say to yourself, “If I don’t do something now, it may never get done?”

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Entry #7- Hawk Mountain Sanctuary Kempton, PA 

Let me start by apologizing for having been remiss in sending May’s entry.  Maybe you understand from your own life experience, that at times, demands of our primary vocation can require our full attention much more than others!  

 At times, it seems like challenging things can happen in short succession, lending itself to the rising of the “perfect storm!” It is as if every moment is consumed with the needs of loved ones or those entrusted with your care. Imagine this…

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Entry #6- El Yunque National Forest, La Mina Waterfall in Puerto Rico, Summer 1994

A Miracle Story…The Gift of Graces Poured out like a Waterfall!

Back in 1994, early in our marriage, Dave and I went to Puerto Rico during one of his Navy assignments.  Being the nature and adventure lovers that we were, we had to find a rain forest!  We found La Mina Waterfall, in El Yunque National Forest, where you could swim!  I was excited, yet fearful since the waterfall seemed so powerful.  At times, when I swam underneath it, I was afraid the force of the waterfall would push me under! Pressing past my fear, I swam to the backside.  When I did, I experienced the immense beauty of this God-created waterfall from a rare view.

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Entry #5- Daylesford Abbey, Paoli, PA

By the pond.

This past Friday morning, I stopped over at the Daylesford Abbey, to drop something off.   It had been snowing all night and into the morning. The snow continued to fall when I arrived when I dropped off the borrowed Ethernet cable.  For a brief moment, I hesitated to continue on with the day.  Looking around at the white, pristine ground of new fallen snow, I was drawn to take a small hike on the peaceful grounds.

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Entry #4 - The Arenal Region of Costa Rica

Who’s got your back?

In the summer of 2002, my husband, Dave, and I decided to go to Costa Rica to celebrate our 20th Wedding Anniversary. We were super excited to try some adventurous activities, one being the most popular, a high ropes zip-line canopy tour!  

I sensed in my prayer that it was time to conquer my fear of two things...fear of heights and the fear of public speaking I said to myself, “time to check the first one off my list.”

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Entry #3 Daylesford Abbey, Paoli Pa

As I write this reflection, I must admit that this Christmas has been a bit different for me. About a month ago, I went in for what I thought was a going to be minimally invasive meniscus and plica band surgery in my right knee. After all, my husband and I were planning to go on a backpacking hike in Alaska next summer, so I needed to get myself in “good condition” with plenty of recovery time so I could begin training for this next big adventure.

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Entry #2, Location: Moab, UT

It's pretty amazing how much God is around us, even when we don't expect it.  When my husband Dave and I went to Moab, Utah two summers ago, we had an opportunity to experience the magnificent glory of His creation all around us.  I started each day, asking the Lord, to help me to see each day through His eyes, to desire what He desires for my life, and to be in a position to receive what He wishes to reveal. 

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Entry #1, Location: Zion National Park, UT, ‘The Narrows’

When I reflect on my life, it is amazing to see how intricately woven moments with God in my past continue to transform me into the person I am today. The Lord journeys with us through our experiences of joy, disappointment, times of bondage, and in areas we have received freedom. Though we don’t always know the answers to life’s questions, we can never forget that He remains by our side, and continues to invite us into an ever deeper relationship with Him.

How have you seen God's movements in your daily life? The more concrete we are with our own experiences, naming them as they really are, the more we can talk with God about the things that really matter! When I come to Him JUST AS I AM, WHEREVER I AM, I find that He is a God who is REAL, RELATIONAL, and RELEVANT to all things.

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Views expressed in reflections and entire website are personal to the author and are not replacements for medical and psychological care.

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
— Psalm 139:13-14